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Dear Yellowjacket Family,

In the Spring of 2020, KISD embarked upon a journey to establish our Strategic Framework for 2021-2026 or better known as our Five-Year Strategic Plan.  JG Consulting was approved by our Board of Trustees to conduct site visits across the district with all staff and student groups, as well as hold community-based sessions to gather input for the Five-Year Strategic Plan.  Also, a survey was established for all stakeholders to provide additional input.  At our October Board Meeting, Mr. James Guerra of JG Consulting shared with the board of trustees and administrators the finalized product of the stakeholder's meetings and survey results.  I am proud to share Kermit ISD's Five-Year Strategic Plan with you at this time.  Attached, you will find a one-page document that outlines our Mission, Vision, Values, Priority Focus Areas, and our district motto.  I want to thank you for your input and for taking the time to help develop our Strategic Plan.  At any time, our Five-Year Strategic Plan can be adjusted; however, we would do so with continued input and support from each of you.  My goal from day one has been to build and develop open communication lines with all staff members, students, and community members.  I believe the steps we have taken to create our Five-Strategic Plan are steps in the right direction and will continue to guide us as we take KISD to the top! I am proud to be working alongside you, and I know that we can get through anything together.  Go Yellowjackets!!!


Joe Lopez

Proud Superintendent of Kermit ISD

Where Every Child Excels